SUCCESSFUL first Exhibition for our new jv in india
Presenting our newly formed JV at the ELECRAMA turned into a great success!
We met many old friends and customers again, but also had the chance to discuss with a great number of visitors. Represented by our newly formed Joint Venture, DECCAN KUVAG Composites Private Limited, our MAKE in INDIA offering, HTV Hollow Core Insulators, generated strong interest and very positive response at the show. KUVAG showcased also a variety of other products, services, and solutions this year, including our SIMOTEC LSR Hollow Core, KUVATEC Epoxy-cast resin insulators, switching rods for HV applications, and cable terminations.
KUVAG successful participation in the Elecrama trade show underscores our commitment to the continuous improvement of its product and service offerings.
We had a great week at the ELECRAMA 2023. Thanks to everyone who joined with us in Greater Noida and made this a great event!